Saturday, December 16, 2006

Jakob turned 5 today!

How this happened I have no idea, sometimes I wish I could just slow the time down a little.

The day started with opening presents and then having breakfast. We saved the big present for after breakfast. A present far bigger than I expected: a race track which took up the entire floor of the library and took Paul roughly 3 hours to to put together.

After the presents, Satchel and Jakob put together a gingerbread train which was fantastic. Normally I pick up a traditional gingerbread house with the romantic notion of how wonderful it will be for the children to put it together. I end up a lunatic trying to fight the affects of gravity pulling down the roof; damaging my children as I curse a blue streak. But this train was amazingly civilized - it went together so well. Not once did I feel the need to pull out a bottle of wine from our stash. Not once!

At 3pm we had the neighbours over and Paul's brother Yves to help celebrate Jakob's birthday and share in some birthday cake chosen by Jakob: chocolate cake with chocolate pudding in between the layers and chocolate icing. Jakob was vibrating after consuming one small piece.

Now it's dinner time and I'm making his favourite dinner: Taco Pizza. I'll wrap the night up later.

Happy Birthday Jakob! You still are the most wonderful Christmas present I have ever been given.

Love Mommy xoxoxoxox

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