Thursday, July 31, 2008

Jakob and I are in Edmonton - visiting Thomas, Susan, Noah and the latest addition to the family: Maya.

The plane ride was uneventful - for the first bit, until Jakob became bored with the novelty of his very first plane ride ever and decided he was going to throw up which had the flight attendants in a tizzy. He didn't throw up...but did score more 7-Up than anyone else on the flight. Smart little cookie that one.

My Mother is here too - which made me question whether this was an ideal time to visit knowing her love of children, especially MY children.

Mom is currently obsessing about the Medicentre. When can she go? Will they give her a requisition? A requisition for what? I ask. My bloodwork! she yells at me. She's been absolutely miserable since I arrived. Cheering up only when dangling chocolate desserts in front of her.

Despite that, I am having a fabulous time. Thomas and I saw the BodyWorld exhibit yesterday and it was fantastic. I can't upload pictures right now but check out the link:

We're off to Fort Edmonton and I hear the sounds of Mom on the stairs coming for the computer!

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