Tuesday, March 06, 2007

We have our final meeting with our contractor tonight to go over the last bill and give him his payment. I am so angry with him right now that I can't bring myself to be at the meeting and will hand over the reigns to Paul. I'm taking the kids and going next door to Kim's so that I don't have to look at his face.

He is such an unethical bully. Paul wrote him asking him to clarify the cost of doors and credits that we should be entitled to after revisiting the original contract and the discrepancy with his final statement to us - and Paul wrote the email because if I had written it, I'm sure it would have led to a cat fight. It still led to one. Here are a couple of excerpts from his reply letter:


and then he hit with:


I'll write about how the meeting going tomorrow. I need to get back to my school newsletter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay. So what happened at the meeting?