Paul talked to John the contractor today. I had him email me a list of the items covered off because frankly I'm exhausted and will forget to include most.
I took the kids to McDonald's for dinner tonight, a place of horrors most children would embrace as the best restaurant ever, but not my Jakob. Oh no. Instead he screamed in the car that he hated McDonald's, that the food was disgusting (of course it is) and wanted only to go to Rocky's for a treat. He finally chilled as we arrived but as we walked from the car to the entrance, he managed to walk straight into a garbage can, banging his head, falling to the ground and SCREAMING!
After an uneaten dinner we left my personal nightmare that is called McD and headed home where we baked cupcakes for the school's funfare (fund raiser). I'm not completely used to this electric stove but managed to pull them out before they completely turned black. A little icing, some smarties & sprinkles, maybe a gummy worm - no one will be the wiser.
Here's Paul's email:
John called with following update:
Let us know he has not forgotten us and our need to meet and wants to know our schedule.
He has received quotes from Pella.
They are widening the staircase and making them longer. However this means they are moving the wall (right wall) in the cubby space where the stereo unit was. Further they are achieving the stair width by replacing the existing foundation wall along the side of the stairs.
The ceiling clearance will be 6' 11" not 7' 1" because the footings on the existing foundation are not the same depth and he had to go with the average between them.
The hearth for the existing fireplace has been removed to accommodate the sistering of floor joists at that juncture. We can replace the hearth with stone or something at a later date.
They have completed the sistering (doubling) of all floor joists.
The new foundation wall needs to be 12" instead of 10" due to the height of the grade and the amount of Earth weight it needs to support thereto.
An inspector dropped by ( a neighbour complained, probably because of the noise) and approved all that is being done. However the inspector insisted on a soil testing to confirm that the footings are appropriate for the soil type.
They intend to pour the footings by Friday or Monday at the latest, as the weather (lots of water) has slowed things a bit. The surveyor is supposed to come Friday or Monday to mark the outside corners of the addition.
They have removed some sections of the existing foundation and are replacing those sections thereto.
I think that's it...
Later love,
So.......I wonder who complained?